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Category: Digital Evidence Tools

IsoBuster is free to try, low cost to buy, and has been a go-to tool for the DFIR community when recovering from damaged optical media for many years.

"Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD, DVD or a Blu Ray disc. Recover deleted files from a Hard Drive, Memory card or of from flash media that Windows says needs to be formatted !"

Forevid v1.2.1
 24.49 MB
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Category: A/V Software & Tools

"Forevid is the world's first open-source software for the forensic analysis of surveillance videos." - The project has not been updated since 2013, but several of its features remain very handy for DME examiners today.  

Product Site -
Project website -

Category: A/V Software & Tools

"my·FFmpeg with FFmpeg
A powerful FFmpeg GUI to convert high quality movies and more..
Focused on simplicity, my·FFmpeg brings a fresh approach to using the optional FFmpeg, to create ultra high quality movies without the need to write any single command-line code. Making it the best video converter available for Windows." -

Free Trial provides 5 free sessions. Full license currently less than $24.00 USD.

Video & Display Standards Chart v1.0 FEATURED
 2.33 MB
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Category: Industry Reading & Research

Learn about Aspect Ratio, Luminance Sampling Frequencies, and how to properly display digital video evidence captured using an analog CCTV camera.

Video & Display Standards Chart, v1.0, from Ocean Systems. Includes two PDF attachements within the PDF, with square and non-square sampling diagrams. - I personally researched and drafted this document (LAC).

Time Difference Calculator (Excel Spreadsheets)
 17.59 KB
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Category: A/V Software & Tools

This ZIP file contains two Excel Spreadsheets for calculating & documenting time differences for DCCTV recovery. Both have the same functionality; one has narrower columns for ease of viewing on mobile, the other wider columns for PC use. Both also provide a field for documenting the system retention period.

These files were provided by Paul Hopcroft, 2018.

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