New Tutorial - Public Profile Options

I recently posted another brief tutorial for members which gives a quick overview of the various options and settings related to sharing your profile and content with non-members.  Topics briefly discussed in this tutorial include your profile URL, availability settings for your profile and storage space, as well as the new profile "badge" and invitation features.

As you may know, all member tutorials are available via the Help menu once you sign in.  Additionally, I've recently added all of our tutorials to the "Training Videos" category in our Video Library.  Should you have any questions or comments, as always, please post them to the member forums, shoot me a PM, or feel free to use our contact form.  Thanks for participating, and remember to tell your peers & colleagues to Sign-Up, Sign-In, and Contribute!

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Well, what I can tell you is that your information will not be shared. See my Privacy Policy.

NOTE: Members of my site are NOT auto-subscribed or un-subscribed from this newsletter; they must manually Opt-In/Out.

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