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There is more Digital & Multimedia Evidence (DME) than any other type of evidence today.
Working together we've expedited tens of thousands of criminal investigations.  Learn more

720p (Black), 1080N (Yellow), 1080P (Blue & Yellow)
NOTE: 720P (Black), 1080N/L/P Lite (Yellow), 1080P (Blue & Yellow)

1080 for sure, that's in the name.  They're all the same thing folks, and I'll be darned if I can find any formal video specification referencing any of them, so they share that too.  Is it all just marketing BS?  No, but surely the confusion has been leveraged by some DCCTV manufacturers, resellers, and the like to their benefit.

Whew. I've been crazy busy lately and have been meaning to throw up a post about this product for a few weeks. It's one of the latest freeware programs I've added to my thumbdrive, which has come in quite handy for resolving various common PC problems via a point-and-click interface. If you regularly get calls from friends, family, co-workers, etc., regarding their PC problems, you might want to consider this neat little freeware ap - Advanced WindowsCare V2 Personal

Advanced WindowsCare V2, made by IObit, looks to resolve issues that cause less than optimal performance in Windows based PCs. The personal version:

Trying to snap a shot of your cherry red Mazda, but can't keep your hands still? You'll find all the tech you need to smooth things out in an iPhone 4 or (MotionPlus-equipped) Nintendo Wiimote. Experimenting with 6DOF inertial measurement sensor packages, scientists at Microsoft Research have developed a software algorithm that literally records your exposure-destroying shake via accelerometer and gyroscope, then magically removes the blur by canceling it out.

Full Story:

Jonathan Lewin, Chicago’s managing deputy director of public safety, believes that video cameras help officers protect citizens — and he has numbers to back up his claim. The Chicago Police Department says that Operation Virtual Shield, the city’s network of public and private surveillance cameras, has led to more than 5,500 camera-related arrests since 2006.

Full Story

If you're looking for filters for VirtualDub or just want to know what filters are available be sure to visit the detailed listing at Someone inquired about a particular filter earlier, and I've been meaning to post about their listing for several weeks, but just haven't had time.

Part of the reason I've put off posting the link was prior to doing so I wanted to test and report on their Video Enhancer Super Resolution program. I've just been too swamped lately to get to it, so I figured it was time to get off the pot. I hope to find time to do the testing with Video Enhancer and report back in the not-so-distant future, and when I do, we'll all look back at this and laugh...or at least I will. Sorry for the delay. 😎

Those who have been recovering video evidence from CCTV systems for any length of time know that every case starts as a research project. In some cases DCCTV evidence is submitted with little or no information about the recording device. In other cases the entire device may be submitted, but more often than not it’s submitted without any manuals or documentation.

LEVA is conducting a one week hands-on forensic video analysis program in Cheshire, England, June 15 – 19, 2009. The event is hosted by Key Forensic Services, a leading provider of forensic solutions in the United Kingdom.

Digital Video Evidence: The Quest for Accuracy and Reliability is developed for the beginner to advanced level analyst. This unique program is designed to share scientific techniques and methodologies employed to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of video evidence and to maintain its credibility in the courtroom.  For complete details click here.

The multimedia evidence community has been really buzzing the last couple of years in regards to how useful FFmpeg and Libav can be for dealing with proprietary video formats. Both tools are extremely useful in several aspects of a forensic DME workflow. With that said, however, whether it’s FFmpeg, Libav or another 3rd party tool, there are limitations and causes for concern when using them to process proprietary video file formats.

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