Magnet Idea Lab has launched Project Goose, an AI-enhanced AXIOM integration available exclusively for Idea Lab members. Project Goose is a cloud-based integration that can assist investigators in many ways, including:
- Examine images to determine the likelihood they were created with common generative AI tools.
- Analyze videos to gain insight into their authenticity and origin through integration with Medex Forensics.
- Ask questions about case data and see relevant results (e.g. "Do they talk about exchanging money?", etc.)
- Use natural language to build complex filters in AXIOM.
Those interested in Project Goose can sign-up at the Magnet Idea Lab website.
Live Webinar: Join Magnet Forensics & Medex Forensics for a live webinar regarding these topics and Project Goose on March 5th, 2-3pm EST.